Tuesday, March 9, 2010

We're Back!

It's been some time getting things up and running again between winter sickness and computer virus death, it's taken time. We had to use our tax refunds to get new computers both myself and my husband. Whew! But it's all done and we decided to start fresh. I have been slowly working up stock with the new resin, which is amazing stuff. I will probably end up doing a clearance for some of the older resin ones, just cheaper pricing. They are still great, just not as resistant to scratching. The resin I have now I mix with the old stuff and it works perfectly. I've totally enjoyed working with it.

This week I hope to get some more images and designs going....always have a muse around. It must be spring fever doing it to me as it got into the 50's today and it is making me very anxious for warmer weather!

Also...heads up, we may be doing a free giveaway soon, so look for details coming up very soon. We are thrilled to have been selected to offer a great chance to let you get some amazing goodies, yup...FREE! (Aren't we so nice?)

In addition, our store link is new....check out our product HERE now!

We have some great new stuff too!